Monday, July 30, 2012



I have one pet peeve.  Actually I have a bunch, but I'm just going to express one right now.  Runners like to bitch about the weather.  Then they love to brag that they ran in that same weather.  My theory is that if you think it is too hot, cold or whatever...don't run.  Or just run.  No one cares that much.  Other runners know how hard it is to run in certain conditions, so the mere fact that you ran is enough.  Just off handedly say, "I ran today at 1 o'clock."  That is all you need to do.  Anyone who lives in your area is automatically going to say, "wow, you ran in that?  Your are freaking insanely crazy!"  You do not have to say that you ran 28 miles and it was so hot that your nipples melted.  We know.  Most of us have the melted nipples to show for it.  Or not show for it.  Once, it was so cold that my nipples just froze and fell off.  I was able to retrieve them and continue my run.  That was not going to stop me.  It is about the run, not the nipples.  I'm a guy by the way, but I still have sensitive nipples.  Enough about that.  The point of the story is that we runners do not have to brag about the weather we ran in.  However, in a future blog, I need to tell you about the freaking hurricane I ran in.  That was intense, man.

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