Sunday, June 30, 2013

Guest Blog by Mike

Since a lot of us travel from time to time, here are some quick tips from Mike at
Staying Healthy Far From Home

Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, you of course think about the things that you need to take with you. The problem is that there are too many people who decide to leave their good, healthy habits at home! If you are someone who is looking to make sure that you can stay in shape even if you are far from your home, your favorite foods and your gym equipment, there are a number of things that you need to consider.

Choose Hotels With Gyms


Your hotel provides you with a room and housekeeping, but if you choose the right hotel, it can give you so much more! Hotels are really getting with the program when it comes to keeping their customers fit, and you can find hotels with gym equipment that rivals your favorite exercise room! Look for hotels with gyms that provide you with ellipticals, rowing machines, treadmills, exercise bikes and more. On a recent trip to Maui I used a site called Gogobot to do my research before booking a hotel. I got a list of Maui hotels and from there I could see which ones had gyms that were open early in the morning. This way I could get my morning workouts in before hitting a beach.

Tiny Rooms, Tiny Gyms


Sometimes, the hotel isn't keeping up with what you need it to, and you have provide yourself with your own exercise equipment. Just because you are on the move does not mean that you have to travel without recourse to exercise! Consider things that fold up well and fit in your luggage. For example, think about bringing along resistance bands for an upper body workout or bringing along your yoga mat to stay flexible.

Eat Wisely


Make sure that you think about the food that you put in your mouth. It is altogether too easy to simply find yourself eating whatever is cheap and easy, and this will pack on the pounds like you wouldn't believe! Choose seafood instead of red meat, and think about getting as much salad into your body as you can. Head to the local supermarkets and think about what you can do to pick up fruits and vegetables to eat as snacks. Be healthy, stay fit.


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