Tuesday, August 21, 2012

7 weeks

Bob -

This is more of a thought in writing than a post.  It is what I need to do to get through the marathon on October 7th.  Due to work conditions and a somewhat sore back, I have missed some important training runs for the last month.  Mostly my long runs.  I have still been doing  some decent miles, but not what is on my training plan.  Historically my legs give out way before my wind.  My leg endurance is what is lacking right now.  I did 15 miles on Saturday, which I was kind of happy with, but I was supposed to do 20 and my legs were fried at the end.  This tells me that I have to beat the crap out of my legs for the next 7 weeks until the marathon.  I need to build up the muscle endurance necessary to do this.  To me this means I am going to do cross training on my bike and really kick it up on the kettle bells.  Ed mentioned the kettle bell workout in a previous post and I swear by them.  I have also gotten away from them for awhile due to work and other lousy excuses.  This is a story for another day, but I did one of my best 5k's last year after primarily training with kettle bells and dropping weight.  Due to some issues, I could not run like I wanted to at that time.  The k-bells kept me in great shape.  I also have a few pounds I need to lose.  Probably 5 to 7.  I want to lose the weight while building muscle.  This means eating healthy and strength training.  Muscle is extremely important.  It is to me and it is to everyone.  Upper body strength helps with your running.  Sound stupid?  Try it.  Muscle burns fat.   Burnt fat means a leaner body.  A leaner body means more speed.  I am currently around 185.  I think I want to be at 178 for the marathon.  I want to be leaner, stronger and faster.  It has worked in the past.  This is what I want to do and need to do.  Lose weight, gain muscle and bust my legs into shape.  My legs are going to be what gets me the time I want in the marathon.  They cannot give up or give out.  There is no shame in it, but I do not want to walk at all for 26.2 miles.  I have a time goal.  For awhile I thought that I may not be able to achieve that goal due to my training inconsistencies.  I know that if I stick to the plan I have in mind I can still do it.  The ball is in my court.  It is totally up to me.  I need to do this to hopefully retire from the marathon world and concentrate on 5k's and other stuff I really enjoy.  Maybe join Ed in a Master's track meet.  There it is.  That is what I need to do.  Now I have to do it.


  1. I have to say that I have incredible training partners. Fun, dedicated and encouraging. And there is zero quit in them. That means I can't quit even if at times I want to. Bob

  2. You can do it, dude! Run every other day or so with a two day rest after the really long runs and just stretch them out each week. You'll get there. Plenty of time.

    Just execute baby!

  3. Bob, I am getting my bike fixed so I can use it to cross-train. Let's get together sometime and ride. They really have Masters' Track Meets? Why on earth did I not know about this?!?!

    1. Lets ride! Absolutely. And yes, there are masters track meets. Ed is doing some incredible stuff.
