Thursday, December 6, 2012

Addendum to the story that should not be told


I went back and read my last post and I have decided that I sound like a big, whiny baby.  Boo hoo baby pants.  While I was angry at the time, I want to make it clear that I was not crying.  I was having a tantrum, but there were no tears.  If there were tears, and I am not saying there were, they were extremely manly ones.  Like hail they would have been.  Killer hail shooting out of my eyes.  But, it did not happen.  It bothered me that I did not run in an event that I really looked forward to.  I also want to make it clear that I do not blame running for my problems.  I had some knee issues before and particularly doing some of the tasks of my job.  If I were to eliminate anything out of my life it would be work.  Particularly the part of my work that entails kneeling down and fighting to put a lazy susan into a cabinet.  Other kneeling things hurt, but that was the one that got me good.  Shooting pain in the side of my knee.  Like a hot knife.  Felt like I could not get up.  My first thought was I was not going to be able to do the marathon.  Then it happened again and again.  Each time it happened I got up and it felt better.  It got to the point where I would kneel with my left leg sticking straight out.  If my customer would see that action I would typically get, "and you are going to run a marathon soon?  Like that?"  And I would be all like, "well, I ain't gonna be putting in a lazy susan when I'm running, so I should be fine.  And by the way, shaddup!"  My philosophy on running is this.  Running does not hurt runners.  Runners hurt themselves.  Usually by doing something dumb.  Going too far, too fast.  Going too far and too fast.  Or just plain going too fast or too far.  There are times when we step on something, or fall down a hill or get eaten by a bear, or some other thing that is beyond our control, but typically it is from doing something we should not be doing.  Running has been some of my best therapy, physically and mentally.  I was in way more pain before I started running regularly.  The time I hurt myself the worst while running was when I made the mistake of feeling too good.  I was 49 and I felt like I was 20 that day.  I was cruising up and down some hills.  One more, and then one more.  This is great, I said.  The next day I woke up with the worst pain I have maybe ever had.  Could barely walk.  I have told that story before and it could be told again another day, but I said to myself to be careful when you feel too good.  Don't overdo it.  One reason I believe I still have all my fingers is that everytime I turn on a saw I make sure to think where my fingers are.  To concentrate and respect what can happen if I let my mind wander when I am cutting something.  I try to do the same thing when I run.  Not that I don't give it my all.  I do.  Especially in a race.  But I don't do some of the speedwork I would like to do and I don't jump over some stuff that I really want to jump over.  In summation and conclusion, running is my go to therapy.  As much of the other stuff I do, this is what I set my mark to.  The goals I have in running keep me sane.  Life is tough, running makes it better.

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