Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Karl Ritter

Bob -

I have a friend named Karl.  You may remember that I wrote about his leg the other day.  It was the leg that I chewed on when we ran in the blizzard.  He is a tall yet nice man who runs a lot and makes candy for a living.  The reason I am writing about him is that he says he has never read this blog, even though I mentioned his leg.  I can't say that I am hurt, because I'm not.  But I am now on a mission to get him to read the blog at least once.  He could read my stuff or Ed's, I don't care, but I would like to get him to read the blog.  Since this is a running blog I will talk a bit about running.  This evening I rode my bike to the Lafayette College stadium where I ran the steps with Michelle and the aforementioned Karl.  Michelle is somewhat new to running and has been progressively kicking ass.  She has a good and inspirational story about what got her into running and what it has done for her.  Karl was there and he made fun of me, mocked me and then told me he would not read my blog.  All are signs that he expects to gain no valuable knowledge or entertainment from my writing,  which puts him way up there in the good friend category.  Because I respect intelligence even if I ain't got much of it.  All in all, it was a nice evening of running.  Now, I just need to get Karl to read this and one of my life goals will have been met.  The other immediate goals being my second marathon and learning to make goat cheese.  I do not mean I want to make cheese from goat milk, I want to make cheese that is a life size replica of a goat, preferably out of Limburger cheese to really piss people off.    I think this would be a good blog for Karl to read, due to that fact that it talks about goats and not that much about running.

1 comment:

  1. First, I just want to say that I am Michele with one "L" and second, I am really interested in seeing you widdle this goat out of limburger cheese. I think I can get people on board to also want to see this.
